Team Cornflower Blue
Christopher Maselli
I'm into my regular running after my brief hiatus (had to figure out how to work running in with the new job). The thing that surprises me is how easy it was to get back into the rhythm of running a 5k after being off for 4 months.
Prior to starting running a couple years ago, accomplishing a 5k was such a difficult thing to imagine...but after doing it, I clearly hurdled a mental block about how difficult a 5k was. Now, a 5k is just a "get back in the game" run...not even something to work up
Prior to starting running a couple years ago, accomplishing a 5k was such a difficult thing to imagine...but after doing it, I clearly hurdled a mental block about how difficult a 5k was. Now, a 5k is just a "get back in the game" run...not even something to work up
Notable (as of the date of this run)
- was fastest 6k in a year
- was fastest 3mi in 6 months
Fastest 3 mile runs
- 7:42/mi4/13/12
- 7:50/mi4/16/12
- 8:05/mi3/23/12
- 8:08/mi4/23/13
- 8:17/mi7/11/12
- 8:22/mi3/12/12
- 8:23/mi2/16/12
- 8:24/mi2/10/12
- 8:27/mi3/14/12
- 8:34/mi2/29/12
- 8:40/mi7/23/12
- 8:44/mi1/24/11
- 8:47/mi1/16/12
- 8:48/mi2/27/12
- 8:51/mi6/21/12
- 8:51/mi6/06/22
- 8:57/mi2/03/12
- 8:57/mi1/27/12
- 8:58/mi5/30/22
- 8:59/mi10/15/10
- 9:02/mi10/29/10
- 9:06/mi5/23/15
- 9:07/mi2/22/12
- 9:09/mi1/19/11
- 9:13/mi12/17/10
- 9:18/mi11/17/10
- 9:19/mi1/23/12
- 9:19/mi5/29/12
- 9:20/mi4/27/11
- 9:20/mi1/18/12
Last 180 days
Last 365 days
Last 730 days
Jan 12, 2012
Jan 12, 2012
Jan 12, 2012
Total distance
Elapsed time
8:10AM - 8:47AM
Average pace
9:48minutes per mile
Nth longest run
Nth fastest (for a similar distance)
Average speed
Food equivalent
40 large broiled shrimp
Average cadence